Category: Essays

Arguments Supporting Unitarianism

Arguments Supporting Unitarianism

In this blog post, I will present the general arguments supporting unitarianism. It’s important for my readers to understand the arguments supporting unitarianism from one who previously was unitarian (at least in some form)....

Unitarian and Trinitarian

Unitarian and Trinitarian

At their most basic, the difference between Unitarian and Trinitarian doctrine can be summed up as follows. A Trinitarian believes in one God in three persons, whilst a Unitarian believes in one person in...

The Trinity

The Trinity

This series of blogs explores my thinking around my transition from a form of unitarian doctrine to believing in the Trinity. The series will pursue some fairly hard core theology. We will explore my...

Doctrinal Review

Doctrinal Review

In this series of blogs, I hope to do a doctrinal review of some theological aspects that are shifting for me. I am not actually sure of the value of this, so I may...

A Relationship With God

A Relationship With God

Recently, I heard from God in a profound and unexpected way. It gave me an insight into the fundamentals of who God is and what a relationship with God looks like. Warrior, Strong, Born...

Does Love Surpass Doctrine?

Does Love Surpass Doctrine?

Does love surpass doctrine? Is unity of doctrine, knowledge and thought as important as unity of the Body of Christ itself? I suggest that most people facing this question would easily agree that love...

The Problem of Pornography

The Problem of Pornography

Dealing with the problem of pornography is a difficulty that as many as 98% of men deal with on a regular basis. In this article we consider the problem of pornography in a biblical...