Category: Essays

The bitter pain of “Unanswered Prayer”

The bitter pain of “Unanswered Prayer”

In this article, I want to discuss the pain that we feel when we think that God has refused us a dream. I want to discuss unanswered prayer, understanding that God’s silence is actually...

How to have a Heart Connection with God

How to have a Heart Connection with God

In some respects, I am writing this article to remind myself what it takes to have a heart connection with God. Do you remember a time when your heart seemed to connect effortlessly with...

When Ritual Overtakes Worship

When Ritual Overtakes Worship

In this article, I want to explore how we can navigate to a more authentic worship of the Father and His Son, unencumbered by Ritual. I want to show how in some churches, it...

Extravagant Love

Extravagant Love

I have lived a life full of extravagant love that I had no idea existed. The 2019 film, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood highlights this for everyone. In particular, this scene really resonated...

Does it matter what you believe?

Does it matter what you believe?

Does it matter what you believe? If it does matter what you believe, and given that even people who think alike will have some nuanced differences, what line can be drawn between believers where “fellowship” can be achieved. In this article, I want to explore whether obedience to God can be achieved even if we associate with people who believe things that are different than what I believe.

The Ageless Purpose of God

The Ageless Purpose of God

To expand God’s community in Love is the ageless purpose of God. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. 1 Cor 15:19...

A New Name

A New Name

We have been given a new name above all other names, the name of Jesus

Radical Service

Radical service means taking on the purpose of God and going to war against spiritual leaders of darkness and corrupt leaders.