For what it’s worth, here’s a little about me.
I was born at the end of the 60’s into a conservative Christian family. I went to Sunday School every Sunday, I attended a Wednesday Night and Saturday Night Bible Study Class, Sunday Morning Memorial Meeting (Communion Service) and a Sunday Evening public lecture. At times, we also had a “mutual improvement class” to help the young men learn how to present. I also regularly attended intensives both at Church camps and “special efforts” where we might have a few days of several lectures a day.
Growing up as a Christadelphian is a very cerebral experience and my experience of God was intensely cerebral. To think of God in terms of emotional experience was considered highly suspect.
My family was probably not a lot different to other families of the era and out of respect to them, I won’t go into any further detail there…
I am happily married to the love of my life and have been for over 30 years. We have three sons and a daughter who are all grown up and adults now.
So now that you have a little background about me, let’s talk about how we got here.
Walking with God
In 2017, I attended a weekend retreat for men called “Walking with God” (based on John Eldredge’s Wild at Heart). This commenced a long journey over the next few years out of my church, the Christadelphians. In the wake of the retreat, I started writing a book. This ended up the focus of the first few articles of this blog. This was a bit of a journey of learning about me.
Baptist Church
I am now a traditional Christian I guess. Fundamentally, I am merely trying to connect with God on a personal level. I don’t believe that “church” or the Ecclesia or Body of Christ belongs to a denomination. The Body comprises believers all over the world who form a part of the composite Body of Christ. Our one true uniting belief is that Jesus came in the flesh.
I currently attend a Baptist Church called Hope Community that is generally known as “Bapticostal“. I have to say, I love the authentic praise and worship and the preaching is also great. As such, I am finding myself more aligned with Hope Community on a doctrinal and practice level than where I was previously. I am definitely more at peace than I have ever been. My church resting place is truly a place of healing during this difficult and sometimes painful journey.
Doctrinal Conversion
Something important to note as you read my ramblings here is that I wrote some of these articles as a Unitarian. I have rewritten some of them to update them with my current doctrinal understanding. Rewriting them as I get time and find things that I have evolved in my understanding about has turned into quite a chore. I expect that this editorial process will continue for a quite lengthy period.
My conversion was not brief and transitory. It is now some years since I started to question my former understanding. Nearly 50 years of learning to unlearn, being born into my former religion. I am working through my doctrinal framework. I am methodically seeking with a forced open mind to examine each stance as dispassionately as I can. It’s very hard, to be honest, and my “programmed” responses are often Christadelphian in nature.
With God’s love and gentle guidance I am making progress.
In furtherance of my understanding and in obedience to what I believe is the urging of the spirit, I am enrolled to study a Masters of Divinity in 2024.
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